Thursday, September 29, 2011

Web design 1 Assignemnts (Tasks)

~Table exercise~   ONION


Site Map of my "HOW TO....."

HOW TO bake designer cupcakes

Moodboard of "HOW TO....."

!!!MESSY!!! moodboard

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Web Design 1 Assignments

3 ideas of " HOW TO..... "

1. HOW TO baked yummy cupcake?
2. HOW TO diet?
3. HOW TO avoid from getting sick?
4. HOW TO finish assignments/projects on time without rushing?
5. HOW TO become a fashion people?

4 photoshop/illustrator tutorial websites

   4 photoshop tutorial websites

   4 illustrator tutorial websites

4 beautiful websites with analysis

          1. Opening Ceremony at Japan
          Opening Ceremony is a Japan famous shopping mall. It website is designed with a hand drawn       sketches art style and I think it is beautiful because of that. What cool is when we roll down our scroll bar its  navigation bar and its information bar will follow to roll down. It was like a lift and it had noted down the floor with the things u were finding. Typography in this website is also very unique and nice.

          2. Touch Korea
          Touch Korea is an interactive website. It mades you understand more about korea and you can have lots of fun in this website. It has 22 things to click on and in this 22 clicks you can learn and discover many things about korea. I like this website very much because it has a very cool and nice feel in it and make me want to fly to korea immediately.

          3. Digital Invaders
          Digital Invaders as a digital creativity school. It used cute doodle art as it art style and it is unique because we can't find the navigation bar unless we click on a small little creature down there and the creature will follow to walk to the page we click on. Different pages it had different kind of creatures and those creatures will move on that pages. This is the unique place of this website.

          4. 40 Days in Bed
          I like this website very much. Its typography and the art style was so cool and nice. Although its website languages is in france but overall is still nice and fun because we can click on the days number to 
watch the videos.

          5. Full House
          Fullhouse Lifestyle Store and Cafe website is designed by a korea designer and it used less is more concept. Its unique place is it navigation bar is on the bottom part and it used cut and paste art style to as its pictures. Its typography is suitable to its logotype.