Tuesday, January 11, 2011

10 things that describe ME

1.   Monkey - I like to run , jump & play around rather then sit quietly in a place.

2.   Pig - I sleep a lot especially on weekends & lazy.

3.   Dog - Always be good to friends & never ever betray them just like my dogs. Be honest to friends & family.

4.   Wall - HaHa! My friends always say my face thicker then a wall.

5.   Egg - I maybe will give people a very strong outlook but actually i would get hurt easily just like egg it had a hard cover but inside it was very soft.

6.   Moon - Always need help from others. Moon can become bright at night is because it get lights from sun.

7.   Earth - Connect to the world with internet everyday

8.   Paper - Diet everyday & wish to become as slim as a paper.

9.   Water - Cry easily like where water can get anywhere.

10.   Rain - 'When rain drops it forms a puddle of water' I can make friends or mix with people very easy like rain drops.

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